Today we really concentrated on marketing our business and telling our story. Kayla Fiorvanti from Essential Wholesale discussed how every business has a story and your branding and marketing should tell consumers that story. It should help them connect with you and your business. You can tell your story in many different ways like packaging, slogans, logos, brand names, and social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and blogs (like this one!). The key is to make your story short and condensed so it will reach customers.
She also talked about the stages of a business and how this cycle often mirrors the cycle of life. Each business goes through the stages of birth, infancy, childhood, teen, adulthood, midlife crisis (possible), and legacy. She said that so many mistakes are made in the infancy stage, which is a little scary to think about since AnnaKate Soaps is in that stage now. Mistakes are a natural and important part of the growth process -- in both life and business. We look forward to growing AnnaKate Soaps, even if that means it's uncomfortable and we stumble along the way. If we can learn from our mistakes, we'll be better in the end!
Read more about Kayla and the Essential Wholesale team at their Web site,